CLIP (Version 1.03)
CLIP is a C++ template library for image processing. Some of its features are:
- Efficient implementation of common image processing functions.
- Matlab-like constructs for concise programs.
- Easily learnt, but with fine tuning facilities for experts.
- CLIP programs run on MS Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
- Efficient image display through MS Windows and X windows.
- Video input via Video for Windows and Video for Linux. (Quicktime
is not supported, so Mac users do not have this feature.)
- Matrix functions to support statistical pattern recognition
- Reads PPM, PGM, BMP, JPEG and APT files. Writes PPM, PGM, BMP and
APT. (PPM/PGM are the "native" formats of CLIP.)
- Lots of example programs available.
CLIP is implemented as a single header file called picture.h. To write a
clip program, you #include "picture.h", then call whatever facilities you
need. This can be done within an integrated environment like MS Visual C++
or through a command line interface (which I recommend).
CLIP is Open Source under the GNU Public Licence. It incorporates code from
a number of other Open Source projects, acknowledged at the top of picture.h.
You can download picture.h here, or get the
full distribution that includes a suite
of useful tools and lots of example programs. I recommend you get the full
distribution, but please see the Using CLIP section below for
suggestions on installation and configuration.
An example CLIP program
// invert.cpp
// Simple camera-only program that shows the input video and its
// colour negative.
#include "picture.h"
int main() {
colour_picture in(480,640);// Set up picture of 640 cols by 480 rows
colour_picture out(480,640);"Input");"Output");
in.attach_camera();// Connect the picture to the camera
while(!in.closerequested() && !out.closerequested()) {
while (!in.frame_delivered())
; // Wait for next frame
in.request_frame(); // Start next frame capture while doing:
out = in;
out *= -1;
return 0;
Download invert.cpp and/or
a compiled version for Microsoft Windows. (Remember that you need a camera
connected for this program. If you don't have a camera but would like to try a
CLIP program before you compile your own, try "pixelate" below -- that works
both on the pictures from a camera and on image files.)
invert.cpp illustrates the default "simple" usage of CLIP
that does not appear to involve templates and that uses member function
calls with the minimum of parameters (all the other parameters being defaults).
To get a faster program these defaults can be overridden. The README file that
comes with the full CLIP distribution explains how.
More examples
Here are some more example programs. You can just pull these into
Visual C++, for example, together with picture.h and get fully functioning
interactive applications. All are included in the full distribution.
- pixelate.cpp works with a camera or with
picture files. If you give command line arguments, it cycles through those
files; if you don't, it operates on the camera picture instead. If you
don't give arguments and don't have a camera connected, it operates on
a boring default image. As suggested by the name, it pixelates the
input image according to a user-controlled parameter. You can also download
a compiled version for Microsoft Windows.
- gaussfilter.cpp illustrates the operation
of a gaussian filter. Again it works with files or camera images.
- apttest.cpp is a file-only application that
takes just one command-line argument then lets you assess APT compression
of that picture at different quality settings.
- radialcorr.cpp is a simple radial
correction program that lets you adjust the amount of barrel/pincushion
distortion. It works on files or the camera image.
- canny.cpp is an implementation of the Canny
edge detector that works on files or the camera.
- fijiart.cpp takes a filename command-line
argument corresponding to a picture and lets you manipulate it as if it
were texture-mapped terrain.
- cliptris.cpp is a CLIP implementation of
Using CLIP
The CLIP distribution zip file contains picture.h,
a set of test pictures, some useful utilities, the above examples, all the programs included
in the CLIP tutorial, and a README file to help you configure CLIP.
CLIP adopts the Unix software tools philosophy: "Let each program do one
thing well". CLIP programs are therefore most suited to running in a
command-line environment. In MS Windows I use cygwin; you might prefer
the MSDOS command prompt. If you download the full distribution and then
expand the zip file, you will get a directory structure with the following levels:
- clip - the top level directory containing configuration scripts and the following
- bin - where, by default, all CLIP executables live
- src - sources for CLIP utilities and other programs used as tools in the tutorials
- include - containing picture.h (i.e. CLIP itself) and a little file called
usage.h that several of the utilities use.
- examples - example programs
- tutorial - containing the programs listed in the CLIP tutorials so students
don't have to type them in again.
- pics - some famous and imfamous test images
- sequence - a short image sequence captured from a webcam
- progs - initially empty. It is recommended that this is where you develop CLIP programs.
CLIP programs can be efficiently compiled with cpic - a batch file / shell script that lives
in bin. There are various versions; one of these is selected when you run
the appropriate makeall script as described below. The important thing to
note about cpic is that it puts the compiled executable in the bin directory
not in the same directory as the source. This is so that CLIP programs are
accessible from anywhere once compiled. However, if you prefer to keep executable and
source together, you
can easily edit the appropriate cpic script in bin. cpic takes the name of the
program you are compiling without its extension.
Here is the step-by-step guide to configuring CLIP and its utilities:
- Get the CLIP distribution and unpack it into the directory structure
shown above. Start up a command prompt or
terminal window for the system you are using (e.g. an xterm in Linux,
a cygwin terminal window or MSDOS command prompt in MS Windows).
Change directory to the clip directory that you have just unpacked.
NOTE: If you are using .NET, you must start the command prompt
through the start menu item Visual Studio .NET Tools. This is
required to set up the paths appropriately.
- Decide how you are going to run CLIP:
- If on a Mac:
- If you want image display, you need to run X, and follow
step 3.1 below.
- If you're happy without image display, you can run under
Carbon (the normal Mac window system), and follow step
3.2 below.
- If on Linux:
- If running X (you probably are), follow step 3.1 below.
- If not running X, follow step 3.2 below.
- If on a PC:
- If you have MS Visual C++ or .NET incorporating C++ and
you wish to use that compiler:
If you want to develop and compile using the cygwin
command line, follow step 3.3 below.
If you want to develop and compile using the MSDOS
command line, follow step 3.4 below.
- If you have cygwin and Xfree installed, and want to use the gcc compiler, follow step
3.5 below.
- If you have cygwin and gcc but no Xfree and no other compiler,
you will not be able to display images. Follow
step 3.2 below.
- Copy makeall.xwin to makeall, then run makeall:
$ cp makeall.xwin makeall
$ makeall
- Copy makeall.nowin to makeall, then run makeall:
$ cp makeall.nowin makeall
$ makeall
- Copy makeall.cygwin_vc to makeall, then run makeall:
$ cp makeall.cygwin_vc makeall
$ makeall
- Run the makeall batchfile:
C:\some_directory_list\clip> makeall
- Copy makeall.cygwin_gcc to makeall, then run makeall:
$ cp makeall.cygwin_gcc makeall
$ makeall
Wait a few minutes. If you are using gcc (i.e. compiling on Linux or
Mac or under gcc in cygwin), there will be no feedback while the
package compiles (unless it is going wrong). Don't interrupt makeall
or else not everything will get made!
makeall sets up cpic in the bin directory so that it is suitable for
your chosen configuration. If you decide to change the way you use
CLIP in future, you should reconfigure everything by running the
appropriate makeall and recompiling all your existing CLIP programs
with the new cpic.
When makeall finishes running it asks you to edit a configuration
file so that the bin directory is in your "PATH": i.e. so that the
command interpreter can find CLIP programs. You must make this edit
and then start up a new shell or command prompt so that the changes
take effect.
- You can now test your CLIP installation, e.g. by changing directory
to the pics subdirectory and typing "di baboon512". If all has gone
well you should be looking at a brightly-coloured picture of a
baboon or mandrill.
Other documentation
The first three CLIP tutorials as used in my Media ECAD course are:
These describe basic CLIP functionality and features. To go further, please
refer to the doxygenated online library documentation.